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e-Commerce & e-Shopping websites

Get a business/marketing web site, that contains content that promotes or sells products or services. Nearly every enterprise needs a business/marketing web site.

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Why your agriculture or farm need website?

"Digital Agriculture" is becoming a buzzword in the industry for how you can integrate digital into the farming process. The use of big data is going to completely transform the industry, but it goes beyond that. Technology is here to stay and it’s in Farmers’ hands to take on how much they want to take advantage of it. Here’s how to build a digital presence for your farm, and how to leverage it to benefit both your farm and the surrounding community.

By building a strong online presence, you can reach out to those consumers who may not be aware of your farm or where to find you, and engage with people who have purchased from you in the past. That means more first-time buyers, and more (and more frequent) repeat customers.

Your farm needs a website. If you don’t already have a website, your first step is to create one. Don’t be intimidated — you don’t need to have any technical knowledge or coding abilities to keep your website up to date.